Learn about OWASP TOP 10 #1 __Nabil Rahman

#what is OWSAP?

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a global non-profit organization with a mission to make software more secure. They have a community of developers and professionals from around the world who work together to create safer applications. OWASP follows a "community" approach, meaning that anyone can join and help with OWASP projects. Whether it's technical guides, tools, or events, OWASP makes sure that everything they offer is free and accessible to everyone.

#what is OWASP TOP 10?

The OWASP Top 10 represents a compilation of the top ten most significant web application security vulnerabilities, continually updated and managed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

The OWASP Top 10 aims to teach developers, designers, and organizations about the most common web application security issues. This knowledge helps organizations prevent these problems during development or address them after development is complete.

The OWASP Top 10 risks get updated every few years (typically around every 2 or 3 years) to keep up with the latest and most critical web application vulnerabilities that hackers are actively exploiting. Here is the updated list of the OWASP Top 10:

1. Broken Access Control
2. Cryptographic Failures
3. Injection
4. Insecure Design
5. Security Misconfiguration
6. Vulnerable and Outdated Components
7. Identification and Authentication Failures
8. Software and Data Integrity Failures
9. Security Logging and Monitoring Failures
10. Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) 

#why OWASP TOP 10 is important?

OWASP is significant because it's an independent group, not tied to any specific company or technology. This independence lets them concentrate on their non-profit goal of giving unbiased, useful information about application security.

It's also important because they have many well-liked projects. One of the most famous is the OWASP Top Ten, which lots of developers and security experts use worldwide. Plus, because OWASP brings together lots of people to work on security, it has a big impact on the software security field.

The OWASP Top 10 is like a guide for organizations to understand and fix the most important security problems in their web applications. It helps them know what to focus on. When they work on these top 10 problems, their applications become safer and better protected.

Think of it as a checklist of the most serious web application security issues that organizations should fix to make their applications more secure.

In the letter, we are going to learn in detail about the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities.

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